Okay, sorry, I'm supposed to post this on AFF and not here lol but I post it here anyway
(practically because I'm bored posting on AFF)
okay bye
Selasa, 04 Februari 2014
Senin, 20 Januari 2014
LUKIEBEAT Fansign Event
So hey guys long time no post rite?
Yeah, I'm sorry -_-
So last Saturday, LC9 and Lunafly held a fansign at Lotte Shopping Avenue Ciputra World. It's for those who bought the Pegasus ticket and Andromeda ticket for the concert, and for those who shop for 300000 rupiah at Lotte Department Store and give the proof to customer service.
I, not being the person to be really interested in LC9 and Lunafly, only planned to look at them even if just a bit. At first. But then the fansign's location was changed to a closed hall, so I can't just look while I pass by. I, at first was not sure if I should attend the fansign or not, but in the end, I did spend 400000 rupiah so why not? I got the fansign ticket after about 30 minutes since I arrived there (Arrived at 12), but my sister was hesitating if she should attend the fansign or not.
She actually could get in for free because she's one of the korean update's admin. She could just get the media pass for the fansign and attend it for free but she didn't get it because she wasn't sure if she was going to the fansign.
My sister got the ticket about 30 minutes before the fansign lol she finally made up her mind to attend it.
So, I wasn't actually very excited for the fansign. I just wanted to see them and that's pretty much it.
So, at around half to three, the hall is opened, everyone got in the hall and sat down the chairs.
Yeah, I'm sorry -_-
So last Saturday, LC9 and Lunafly held a fansign at Lotte Shopping Avenue Ciputra World. It's for those who bought the Pegasus ticket and Andromeda ticket for the concert, and for those who shop for 300000 rupiah at Lotte Department Store and give the proof to customer service.
I, not being the person to be really interested in LC9 and Lunafly, only planned to look at them even if just a bit. At first. But then the fansign's location was changed to a closed hall, so I can't just look while I pass by. I, at first was not sure if I should attend the fansign or not, but in the end, I did spend 400000 rupiah so why not? I got the fansign ticket after about 30 minutes since I arrived there (Arrived at 12), but my sister was hesitating if she should attend the fansign or not.
She actually could get in for free because she's one of the korean update's admin. She could just get the media pass for the fansign and attend it for free but she didn't get it because she wasn't sure if she was going to the fansign.
My sister got the ticket about 30 minutes before the fansign lol she finally made up her mind to attend it.
So, I wasn't actually very excited for the fansign. I just wanted to see them and that's pretty much it.
So, at around half to three, the hall is opened, everyone got in the hall and sat down the chairs.
This is the view from my place
Yeah, so skip all the useless things. I'll just say what is important.
There weren't so much people attending. I think there was only around 50 people or less.
Rasa didn't come to the fansign or the concert because he's going to enlist in the army.
Sam Carter couldn't attend the fansign because he was sick.
J-Hyo replaced Sam for Lunafly's performance of How Nice Would It Be.
Teo replaced J-Hyo for LC9's performance of Mama Beat.
King is so fuckin handsome in real life without that bizarre hair.
Jun which looks just fine on TV is really fuckin handsome and cute and he kept on staring at me. Second bias from now on.
Ao....he is just too cute. On TV he's just "okay he looks so young" but believe me he is soooo much more than that.
J-Hyo, as expected. Handsome anyway. And his smile's so bright.
E.Den, as expected. He looked like a scared child.
Teo is.......AAGDASFASAOISMDOAMSOMOIMOASD THE FEELS. He is so cute and he is talkative and fun and.... *Cries*
Yun is unexpectedly super gorgeous I swear.
Jun ran up to my row when they performed Mama Beat and I was like KYAAAAAAAAA
Teo replaced J-Hyo when they performed Mama Beat, and when Ao threw the cap, he didn't catch it lol he slapped the cap away
When the fansign started I was all like "WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO"
King was quiet, but he gave lots of fanservice.
King's sign.
Yes, I asked for the sign on my jacket.
At first, King thought that the jacket was a gift lol.
J-Hyo was really really kind and bright.
J-Hyo's sign.
You can see there is a disconnected line, it was because signing a jacket is difficult. He went "Eo? Eo!" when he signed it omg cutieee
My sis said that she is a big fan of J-Hyo and he said" Really?? Hahaha! Thank you!"
I just abused my keyboard from all the feels.
Jun's sign.
He failed making the heart lol
He apologized to me afterwards
He asked me for a high five, while I was the one who asked for handshake with the other members
E.Den broke my heart.
I said that I was a big fan of his and he just smiled and continued signing not giving any reaction ㅠ-ㅠ
E.Den's sign.
I think he was shy anyway about the reaction thing.
I didn't even pay attention to him signing because I was so broken hearted lol
Ao was soo cute and cheerful><
Ao's sign
I told him his sign was cute and he laughed a little
This guy is an aegyo king
I mean seriously
He is
Teo, adjfnceaodsfmecpadosmfead
Yes, I just abused my keyboard once again.
Teo's sign
I know right that's really cute
I told him his sign was cute and he went "Hahaha! Thank you!"
Yun, I don't know what to say no more
Yun's sign
No, it's not an effect from the camera that the line's thin, he was the one that made the line thin
I asked him for a handshake and he awkwardly gave me his left hand lolol
I kept on throwing hearts to King once I got back to my seat and he threw them back and smiled to me
After the photo session, I held out my hand asking for a high five from King but he grabbed my hand instead kyaaaaa
When I threw the first heart for J-Hyo, he saw it and kept on throwing hearts after
Jun kept on looking my way
E.Den kept on making cute faces but only made a heart once
I think E.Den has a split personality, hot E.Den on stage and shy E.Den off stage
I threw hearts to Ao too, and he threw them back with a bonus of aegyo ubfeusfacnskl
Teo kept on making hearts too
And Teo also kept on playing with LC9's cap, trying to practice J-Hyo's dance prat which he failed on doing earlier
Yun is rather quiet and didn't do much things. He did threw hearts a few times but that's it
Okay, so that's all I have! (no, I actually still have a lot more pics hehe)
BYEEE! *throws hearts*
Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013
VIXX's VOODOO album, VOODOO DOLL MV, performance, and Only U MV review
So, hey guys!
It's so freakin amazing!!!!
I mean.....the photos in the album lol
The songs are also good
That's why I'm gonna make a review of it!!!!! Yaaayy(?)
Not only the album, but also the MVs that they released.
Okay, let's start!
First up, I want to review about the concept.
It's genius!
Okay, that's it. I can't say anything else haha sorry--"
First time watching it, I don't know what to say.. I was shocked about the amount of stabbing and blood and everything....
Second time, still
Third time, starting to get used
Now, I'm a pure psycho because of the MV lolol
I like the original version of the MV. It's more unusual. If you watch the clean version MV, it just feels like idols in sets filming an MV and that's it. But the original version, you see lots of unusual things you don't see in a normal kpop group's MV. What I mean is, stabbing and blood. Maybe you will say, "I saw lot's of violence and blood in LC9's Mama Beat MV what about that?" Well, that MV has a different feeling with this. That MV is just like a fun mess and violence, while watching this MV makes you feel the pain of the guys because they are under the girl's control. At least I feel that way. I don't know about you.
I like LC9 okay?
I didn't mean to put them down. LC9's Mama Beat is also genius.
The clean version of the MV is not actually clean judging from Ravi and Leo's body exposure lol. It's good for people that can't stand psycho things. I actually can't but like I said, VIXX made me a psycho hahaha
About the pre-released song MV(Only U/대답은 너니까)
I...........really like it.
I fall in love with it the first time watching it. And DAT HONGBIN SMIRK YOOO
I can't not like the beautiful view of Stockholm. Realllllllyyy beautiful. I like it when idols film outside those studios and sets. It would be better if idols film their MV in Korea and show the beauty of their own country. But I think that's impossible. They got too much people who know them and in the end the MV will be a mess if it's filmed in Korea. Too bad.
About the album
There are 15 tracks in the album
I will review the song one by one
First track, VOODOO
It's just music. Doesn't have any lyrics. But the music is amazingly scary at least for me--" I got goosebumps when I hear it.
Second track, 저주인형/VOODOO DOLL. The title track.
The song is amaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiinnggggggg
First time I hear the song, I completely think that it's very very very good. I personally love it. That Jjekgag Jjekgag part and then Ravi's Should I go Should I stay Nobody knows. It's just pure awesomeness!!!
Third track, Beautiful Killer.
This is my second favorite song outside of the title track. I don't know how to describe the song. But, seriously guys, this song is soo good! Trust me! Listen to it and you'll know what I mean.
Fourth track, Someday.
This song is actually beautiful but it's kinda boring if you listen to it too much. I know how to describe this but this is kinda weird it's just what I think about so don't judge me okay. It reminds me of a kinda isolated place(maybe a cave) and a pond with clear water with beautiful rocks and some wild plants and just you and your bias from VIXX staying there and although the place is isolated, there is light from the sun but not so much so if you see it the light looks beautiful. Okay I'm done.
Fifth track, 대답은 너니까/Only U.
I fall in love with this song the first time I hear it. (maybe) it's those kinds of songs that you will like to listen on the subway. It's got that feel that makes you want to stand still while do cool poses.
Sixth track, B.O.D.Y.
At first I was like WTF when I heard this song. It's extremely weird for me and thinking of the lyrics' meaning just makes it even more awkward for me. But then after a while listening to this song, I now like this song. B.O.D.Y, you win. The song is really fun and makes you want to move your body.
Seventh track, Secret Night.
I was shocked when I know Hyuk helped Ravi wrote this song. The lyrics' meaning.....................it's 19+. I thought it was N that helped Ravi
Eighth track, Say U Say Me.
When you listen to this song, you can't help but smile. It's that type of song that if it has an MV the MV will have a scene of a guy with a stupid shocked face staring at a girl lool and on the solo shots (lipsync part) it will be full of aegyo and Ken will be like both hands on his chest, eyes closed, and shaking his body cutely on the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah part.
Ninth track, 오늘부터 내 여자/From today onwards my girl.
This song is good, but I can feel Infinite's kind of music. I don't know what else to say.
Tenth track, 태어나줘서 고마워/Thank you for being born.
Favorite song!!!!! This song has that kind of Love Letter feel to it. And the lyrics is veeeeerrrry beautiful. I really want them to sing this song on my birthday ;_;. The ending oh God it's really sweet T__T I would really like to wear the ring Jung Taekwoon
Eleventh, twelveth, thirteenth, and fourteenth track, Super Hero, Rock Ur Body, 다칠 준비가 돼있어/On and On, and Hyde
It's just the title tracks from their previous releases. They're all the same except the On and On is the remixed version but it's not like the whole song is remixed it's just the beginning of it.
Fifteenth track, 저주인형 (Inst.)
Just the instrumental of VOODOO DOLL
About their performance
I was quite disappointed because I think they lipsynced a few times. But I think they did it because Ken and Leo were having problems with their throat. After all, A very very great performance! I really love the dance!
So.....yeah I think that's it! This post is long enough--" Okay guys, bye! *throws voodoo dolls*
Kamis, 27 Juni 2013
B.A.P Coffee Shop
Hey guys!
So B.A.P has just released Coffee Shop's MV.
And I'm going to review it!
I love it! It has a sweet melody and I don't know if you can hear it but the instrumental is really nice!
But wait. They release a sweet song? I expect them to comeback with a fierce image! But TS said that there will be 3 title songs so let's just wait for it. Can you hear it? Daehyun's high falsetto voice? Gaaaawwwwwddddd
US huh? Well it's kinda nice to see idols shooting a music video outside the studio but it's really mainstream to shoot in the US #NoOffense . At least they don't use fake fans like Beast does in Beautiful Night MV. The scenery's beautiful though! I've never been to the US.........................
Like I said before I love this kind of sweet song, but I want a fierce image from B.A.P. You will release more songs won't you? Give me the tough B.A.P! But with them releasing this song, means that they can make any kind of songs. Thumbs up!
So yeah that's pretty much it! I gotta go take a shower now lol. I hope they release more good songs and get 1st place in music charts! B.A.P FIGHTING!
It's Daehyun's birthday! Have you wish him a happy birthday? If you haven't go and tweet it! I even edited Daehyun's picture that I have in my laptop and make it my display picture on twitter! #HappyBdayDae got 1st place worldwide when Babys started to trend it. 사랑해 정대현!!
Last night, Zelo tweeted A happy birthday wish to Daehyun but he deleted it after lol. I don't know the reason. He hasn't tweet anything after that. Is tweeting something and deleting it after a trend? Well maybe Zelo copied Yongguk. Posting Jieun's picture in instagram and then deleting it lol.
If you wanna know what did he tweet, he tweeted
1분 지났다 대현이형 '생신'축하드려요 !!!!ㅋㄷ
I have this because I tweeted a translation of it. If you don't understand Korean, here
1분 지났다 대현이형 '생신'축하드려요 !!!!ㅋㄷ
il bun jinatda daehyeoni hyeong 'saengsin'chukhadeuryeoyo !!!! k d
1 minute has passed daehyun hyung happy 'birthday' !!!! k d
Q:Why did he use ' ' for the word birthday?
A: He is using a honorific form of 생일, which is 생신. It's rarely used although you're younger than someone. 생일 is more common.
Okay, bye~!
So B.A.P has just released Coffee Shop's MV.
And I'm going to review it!
I love it! It has a sweet melody and I don't know if you can hear it but the instrumental is really nice!
But wait. They release a sweet song? I expect them to comeback with a fierce image! But TS said that there will be 3 title songs so let's just wait for it. Can you hear it? Daehyun's high falsetto voice? Gaaaawwwwwddddd
US huh? Well it's kinda nice to see idols shooting a music video outside the studio but it's really mainstream to shoot in the US #NoOffense . At least they don't use fake fans like Beast does in Beautiful Night MV. The scenery's beautiful though! I've never been to the US.........................
Like I said before I love this kind of sweet song, but I want a fierce image from B.A.P. You will release more songs won't you? Give me the tough B.A.P! But with them releasing this song, means that they can make any kind of songs. Thumbs up!
So yeah that's pretty much it! I gotta go take a shower now lol. I hope they release more good songs and get 1st place in music charts! B.A.P FIGHTING!
It's Daehyun's birthday! Have you wish him a happy birthday? If you haven't go and tweet it! I even edited Daehyun's picture that I have in my laptop and make it my display picture on twitter! #HappyBdayDae got 1st place worldwide when Babys started to trend it. 사랑해 정대현!!
Last night, Zelo tweeted A happy birthday wish to Daehyun but he deleted it after lol. I don't know the reason. He hasn't tweet anything after that. Is tweeting something and deleting it after a trend? Well maybe Zelo copied Yongguk. Posting Jieun's picture in instagram and then deleting it lol.
If you wanna know what did he tweet, he tweeted
1분 지났다 대현이형 '생신'축하드려요 !!!!ㅋㄷ
I have this because I tweeted a translation of it. If you don't understand Korean, here
1분 지났다 대현이형 '생신'축하드려요 !!!!ㅋㄷ
il bun jinatda daehyeoni hyeong 'saengsin'chukhadeuryeoyo !!!! k d
1 minute has passed daehyun hyung happy 'birthday' !!!! k d
Q:Why did he use ' ' for the word birthday?
A: He is using a honorific form of 생일, which is 생신. It's rarely used although you're younger than someone. 생일 is more common.
Okay, bye~!
Senin, 24 Juni 2013
Positions In A Group
Hey guys~
So I bet some of you are still confused with positions in a group, that's why I'm here to explain it.
Main: Person who does the most and who is the best at doing it.
Example: Main vocalist is someone who sings the most, sings the catchiest part and is the best at singing
Examples of main vocalists:
B.A.P-Daehyun, although TS claims both Daehyun and Youngjae are lead vocalists
Block B-Taeil
C Clown-Kangjun
CN Blue-Yonghwa
Infinite-Sunggyu and Woohyun. Woollim claimed so and I also can't pick who is better at singing and sings more than another.
Teen Top-Niel
VIXX-Ken and Leo. Jellyfish claimed so and yes, I don't know who is better and has more parts. I think Ken is the main though, but I'm not sure.
Lead: Person who does well but not better than the main and gets quite a lot of parts but not as much as the main
Example: Lead rapper is someone who raps better than the others but not better than the main rapper
Examples of lead rappers:
Block B-P.O
C Clown- I don't know but I think it's T.K
CN Blue-No one raps except Yonghwa (and he doesn't even rap that often) so no one is the lead rapper
Shinhwa-Andy and Junjin. Their raps are both not better than Eric's
Teen Top-C.A.P
VIXX-Hongbin as what it says in their official website, but I consider him as visual instead
Visual:Person who is good looking and does singing/rapping/dancing well although not as well as the main ones.
Examples of visuals:
B.A.P- Although they actually don't have one, I consider it as Himchan because he raps kinda well
Block B-Actually, no one lol. But I'll say it's Jaehyo
BTOB-I da naaaahhh
C Clown-I don't know. Like every single C Clown members are good looking in my perspective
CN Blue-Yonghwa. Again.
MBLAQ-I don't think they have one
Shinhwa- Minwoo? I don't know lol
Teen Top-Chunji
Face Of The Group: Is someone who is the center of the group and who is placed because of his/her face. In other way, they're just spamming if they don't have the good looks, but these days faces of groups usually spams at first but then they try to improve so they are not spamming.
Faces of groups examples:
B.A.P-I always think that Jongup is but he's great at dancing so I guess I can't say that he is one
Beast-No one. At first I thought it's Dongwoon but then I realize he doesn't have that much fans
Block B-Jaehyo. But he can sing so I don't know.
BTOB-Peniel. But he is one failed example of face of the group.
C Clown-No one. Maybe Siwoo if I need to mention one.
CN Blue-No one. Everyone has their own parts.
Infinite-No one.They have a visual instead.
Shinhwa-No one
Teen Top-Because Changjo is not that appealing in the early clap mad man era, so I'll say no one.
VIXX-No one
Sub Vocal: Is someone who sings the baking vocal/vocal without notes part (not rap). Doesn't need to have really good vocals. Usually faces of groups gets this part.
B.A.P-Himchan and Jongup
Beast-No one from my view, but maybe Doojoon?
Block B-No one
BTOB-No one. You maybe will say it's Minhyuk because of the 2nd confession narration thing but BTOB's other songs don't have that kind of part
C Clown-No one
CN Blue-Minhyuk and Jungshin
MBLAQ-No one
Shinhwa-No one
Teen Top-No one
So, do you understand now? If you don't, then it's not my fault. Bye~!
So I bet some of you are still confused with positions in a group, that's why I'm here to explain it.
Main: Person who does the most and who is the best at doing it.
Example: Main vocalist is someone who sings the most, sings the catchiest part and is the best at singing
Examples of main vocalists:
B.A.P-Daehyun, although TS claims both Daehyun and Youngjae are lead vocalists
Block B-Taeil
C Clown-Kangjun
CN Blue-Yonghwa
Infinite-Sunggyu and Woohyun. Woollim claimed so and I also can't pick who is better at singing and sings more than another.
Teen Top-Niel
VIXX-Ken and Leo. Jellyfish claimed so and yes, I don't know who is better and has more parts. I think Ken is the main though, but I'm not sure.
Lead: Person who does well but not better than the main and gets quite a lot of parts but not as much as the main
Example: Lead rapper is someone who raps better than the others but not better than the main rapper
Examples of lead rappers:
Block B-P.O
C Clown- I don't know but I think it's T.K
CN Blue-No one raps except Yonghwa (and he doesn't even rap that often) so no one is the lead rapper
Shinhwa-Andy and Junjin. Their raps are both not better than Eric's
Teen Top-C.A.P
VIXX-Hongbin as what it says in their official website, but I consider him as visual instead
Visual:Person who is good looking and does singing/rapping/dancing well although not as well as the main ones.
Examples of visuals:
B.A.P- Although they actually don't have one, I consider it as Himchan because he raps kinda well
Block B-Actually, no one lol. But I'll say it's Jaehyo
BTOB-I da naaaahhh
C Clown-I don't know. Like every single C Clown members are good looking in my perspective
CN Blue-Yonghwa. Again.
MBLAQ-I don't think they have one
Shinhwa- Minwoo? I don't know lol
Teen Top-Chunji
Face Of The Group: Is someone who is the center of the group and who is placed because of his/her face. In other way, they're just spamming if they don't have the good looks, but these days faces of groups usually spams at first but then they try to improve so they are not spamming.
Faces of groups examples:
B.A.P-I always think that Jongup is but he's great at dancing so I guess I can't say that he is one
Beast-No one. At first I thought it's Dongwoon but then I realize he doesn't have that much fans
Block B-Jaehyo. But he can sing so I don't know.
BTOB-Peniel. But he is one failed example of face of the group.
C Clown-No one. Maybe Siwoo if I need to mention one.
CN Blue-No one. Everyone has their own parts.
Infinite-No one.They have a visual instead.
Shinhwa-No one
Teen Top-Because Changjo is not that appealing in the early clap mad man era, so I'll say no one.
VIXX-No one
Sub Vocal: Is someone who sings the baking vocal/vocal without notes part (not rap). Doesn't need to have really good vocals. Usually faces of groups gets this part.
B.A.P-Himchan and Jongup
Beast-No one from my view, but maybe Doojoon?
Block B-No one
BTOB-No one. You maybe will say it's Minhyuk because of the 2nd confession narration thing but BTOB's other songs don't have that kind of part
C Clown-No one
CN Blue-Minhyuk and Jungshin
MBLAQ-No one
Shinhwa-No one
Teen Top-No one
So, do you understand now? If you don't, then it's not my fault. Bye~!
Minggu, 23 Juni 2013
Hey guys!
So I'm quite bored right now, that's why I'm going to share about my fav Kpop group, Beast!
Maybe some of you will be like "Oh my god, I thought you're a different kind of K-pop fan, but you actually love a mainstream group" now guys, I liked Beast ever since I watch Bad Girl, okay. And you can't deny that they were weird back then that Cube ent even deleted Bad Girl MV from beastofficial youtube channel because it's so embarrassing.
I like them from this time, okay?
Okay, I shall start now!
Beast was previously B2ST. B2ST was read as Beast too but B2ST was also a short of Boys 2 Search for Top.
How can you read B2ST as Beast?
Well, 2 in Korean is read as 'ee' (chinese-korean, I mean. Not pure korean) and the 'ea' in beast is pronounced as 'ee' so that's why.
And then, the name B2ST was changed into how it's pronounced as Beast. And of course, the meaning of the name is different too. Beast is a short for Boys from EAst Standing Tall.
Okay, for the first name you can say the writing is ridiculous, but the meaning of B2ST actually makes sense rather than Beast's meaning. Anyway, it's up to you do you want to write B2ST or Beast. Both names lead to the same group.
Yoon Doojoon/윤두준
Because Doojoon is too long to write, I'll write Dujun instead. It's pronounced the same anyway.
He is the leader of Beast. Was born in 4th of July 1989. Blood type A. He takes care of the other members really well considering Beast is a crazy group. Good guy Dujun. He was a trainee in JYP, well most of the cube original artists are, and from what I know he was a former soccer player. It's either that or he quitted before he made it into a soccer player. He still plays soccer until now. All cube boyband members and managers do actually lol.
Jang Hyunseung/장현승
He is the second oldest in Beast. Was born in 3rd of September 1989. Blood type B. He is the main dancer (I'll explain the difference of main and lead later). Although he is the main dancer and his moves are great, I like Gikwang's moves better lol. Back then in the Bad Girl time he got higher notes than Yoseob. He was a trainee in YG and trained to be in Big Bang. I don't know either he almost debuted or that he has already debuted but then quitted. I think he almost debuted.
Yong Junhyung/용준형
His name was actually Jaesoon if I'm not wrong. He changed his name because he thinks that Jaesoon is too feminine. He was born in 19th of December 1989. Many people was caught by a false profile that someone shared that he is blood type O, but he is AB. He is the main rapper in Beast. Was a former Xing member (check Xing-My Girl if you wanna see him singing!). He had the nickname 'Poppin Dragon' (I almost typed this as poopin dragon lol) when he was in Xing. If he is asked what agency does he started with, he won't answer Xing ent and instead he will answer a strange agency. He is a talented song writer and he doesn't only write songs for beast but for other singers too.
Yang Yoseob/양요섭
He is my first bias in Beast. Was born in 5th of January 1990. Blood type B. He is the main vocalist in Beast. Has a really sweet voice >w<. Started in M-Boat ent (YG ent's junior or something) and he auditioned for lots of other agencies as well but continuously gets kicked out. He was in the same high school with Gikwang. His hobby is drumming. Until now no one knows who is the shortest member in Beast between Gikwang and Yoseob because both of them wears lifts and both of them don't want to be measured in public. Seems like Yoseob is taller for me. He likes to help Junhyung writes songs. Has been trough nose surgery (no, not plastic surgery).
Lee Gikwang/이기광
He is my second bias in Beast. Was born in 30 of March 1990. Blood type A. He is the visual in Beast. He was in the same high school with Yoseob and he is the one that asked Yoseob to join Cube ent. He has debuted before as AJ with the hit song Dancing Shoes (those days were kinda embarrassing lol) and other Beast members except Dongwoon were his dancers. He likes to compose songs too but his songs are not as good as Junhyung's. There was a rumor that said Gikwang is actually less than 170cm I kinda believe that lol don't know why. He looks shorter than Yoseob sometimes but I've never really seen him being taller than Yoseob.
Son Dongwoon/손동운
He is the maknae in Beast. Was born in 6th of June 1991. Blood type A. He is the only one that calls the older members with hyung. Others are already really close to each other so they don't call the older ones with hyung. He was the last member to be added in Beast. Started in JYP. Although he was short back then he grows into the 2nd tallest (or is he the tallest now?) in Beast. He is a good maknae. A big fan of Narsha from Brown Eyed Girls. The 아랍 왕자 (Arab prince) in Beast. Looks like a really nice guy.
My Favorite Songs
Oasis from Beast Is The B2ST album
Shock and 내 여자 친구를 부탁해(Say No) from Shock Of The New Era album
Mastermind and 주목을 꽉 쥐고(Clenching A Tight Fist) from Mastermind album
니가 제일 좋아(I Like You The Best) and Beautiful from Lights Go On Again album
You from Fiction and Fact album
Midnight (별 헤는 밤) from Midnight Sun album
Yoseob and Junhyung's Thanks To from My Story album
Other Facts About Beast
-Their dorm is a big mess.
-They don't throw away most of the fan given food although it's expired.
-You can find food everywhere in their dorm. I mean, not just food. But, left overs.
-They hide snacks on their bed.
-You can find singlets on their bed sometimes.
-Gikwang uses mickey mouse bed cover.
-No one can cook.
-No one can speak english. The best at english is Dongwoon but his english is a mess too.
-They actually made Mystery's (from Beast is the B2ST album) MV by themselves back then in a MTV program B2ST Almighty if I'm not wrong. But after a long long time since that show Beast in the end releases an official special MV for that. That special MV is made for Beautiful Show.
-In the Beast made mystery MV it's about a girl that loves instant curry breaking up with an arabic guy and then the guy cries as he remembers about his ex-girlfriend while eating instant curry but then he smiles because of the amazing taste of the curry. I'm surprised I still remember this.
-The storyline in the Beast made Mystery MV is written by Junhyung. That explains why is it so ridiculous.
-Dongwoon is the mentioned arabic guy and the girl is Yoseob. Yoseob is only a cameo though.
I watch quite a lot of Beast's TV program so I can't mention all I know here, I'm sorry. This post is long enough.
Bye~! I have too much to post about Beast since I love them so much so I'll stop here before it gets longer ㅠ-ㅠ
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