Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

VIXX's VOODOO album, VOODOO DOLL MV, performance, and Only U MV review

So, hey guys!

It's so freakin amazing!!!!
I mean.....the photos in the album lol
The songs are also good
That's why I'm gonna make a review of it!!!!! Yaaayy(?)
Not only the album, but also the MVs that they released.

Okay, let's start!

First up, I want to review about the concept.

It's genius!

Okay, that's it. I can't say anything else haha sorry--"

About the title track MV (VOODOO DOLL/저주인형)
First time watching it, I don't know what to say.. I was shocked about the amount of stabbing and blood and everything....
Second time, still
Third time, starting to get used
Now, I'm a pure psycho because of the MV lolol

I like the original version of the MV. It's more unusual. If you watch the clean version MV, it just feels like idols in sets filming an MV and that's it. But the original version, you see lots of unusual things you don't see in a normal kpop group's MV. What I mean is, stabbing and blood. Maybe you will say, "I saw lot's of violence and blood in LC9's Mama Beat MV what about that?" Well, that MV has a different feeling with this. That MV is just like a fun mess and violence, while watching this MV makes you feel the pain of the guys because they are under the girl's control. At least I feel that way. I don't know about you.

I like LC9 okay?
I didn't mean to put them down. LC9's Mama Beat is also genius.

The clean version of the MV is not actually clean judging from Ravi and Leo's  body exposure lol. It's good for people that can't stand psycho things. I actually can't but like I said, VIXX made me a psycho hahaha

About the pre-released song MV(Only U/대답은 너니까)

I...........really like it.
I fall in love with it the first time watching it. And DAT HONGBIN SMIRK YOOO
I can't not like the beautiful view of Stockholm. Realllllllyyy beautiful. I like it when idols film outside those studios and sets. It would be better if idols film their MV in Korea and show the beauty of their own country. But I think that's impossible. They got too much people who know them and in the end the MV will be a mess if it's filmed in Korea. Too bad.


About the album


There are 15 tracks in the album
I will review the song one by one

First track, VOODOO
It's just music. Doesn't have any lyrics. But the music is amazingly scary at least for me--" I got goosebumps when I hear it.

Second track, 저주인형/VOODOO DOLL. The title track.
The song is amaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiinnggggggg
First time I hear the song, I completely think that it's very very very good. I personally love it. That Jjekgag Jjekgag  part and then Ravi's Should I go Should I stay Nobody knows. It's just pure awesomeness!!!

Third track, Beautiful Killer.
This is my second favorite song outside of the title track. I don't know how to describe the song. But, seriously guys, this song is soo good! Trust me! Listen to it and you'll know what I mean.

Fourth track, Someday.
This song is actually beautiful but it's kinda boring if you listen to it too much. I know how to describe this but this is kinda weird it's just what I think about so don't judge me okay. It reminds me of a kinda isolated place(maybe a cave) and a pond with clear water with beautiful rocks and some wild plants and just you and your bias from VIXX staying there and although the place is isolated, there is light from the sun but not so much so if you see it the light looks beautiful. Okay I'm done.

Fifth track, 대답은 너니까/Only U.
I fall in love with this song the first time I hear it. (maybe) it's those kinds of songs that you will like to listen on the subway. It's got that feel that makes you want to stand still while do cool poses.

Sixth track, B.O.D.Y.
At first I was like WTF when I heard this song. It's extremely weird for me and thinking of the lyrics' meaning just makes it even more awkward for me. But then after a while listening to this song, I now like this song. B.O.D.Y, you win. The song is really fun and makes you want to move your body.

Seventh track, Secret Night.
I was shocked when I know Hyuk helped Ravi wrote this song. The lyrics''s 19+. I thought it was N that helped Ravi since N has the yadong mind. And I feel awkward every time I hear it. But then this song got into me and now it's my 3rd favorite. Awkward song strikes again.

Eighth track, Say U Say Me.
When you listen to this song, you can't help but smile. It's that type of song that if it has an MV the MV will have a scene of a guy with a stupid shocked face staring at a girl lool and on the solo shots (lipsync part) it will be full of aegyo and Ken will be like both hands on his chest, eyes closed, and shaking his body cutely on the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah part.

Ninth track, 오늘부터 내 여자/From today onwards my girl.
This song is good, but I can feel Infinite's kind of music. I don't know what else to say.

Tenth track, 태어나줘서 고마워/Thank you for being born.
Favorite song!!!!! This song has that kind of Love Letter feel to it. And the lyrics is veeeeerrrry beautiful. I really want them to sing this song on my birthday ;_;. The ending oh God it's really sweet T__T I would really like to wear the ring Jung Taekwoon

Eleventh, twelveth, thirteenth, and fourteenth track, Super Hero, Rock Ur Body, 다칠 준비가 돼있어/On and On, and Hyde
It's just the title tracks from their previous releases. They're all the same except the On and On is the remixed version but it's not like the whole song is remixed it's just the beginning of it.

Fifteenth track, 저주인형 (Inst.)
Just the instrumental of VOODOO DOLL

About their performance
I was quite disappointed because I think they lipsynced a few times. But I think they did it because Ken and Leo were having problems with their throat. After all, A very very great performance! I really love the dance!

So.....yeah I think that's it! This post is long enough--" Okay guys, bye! *throws voodoo dolls*